8 Myths about Residential Duct Cleaning

By: seoteam seoteam On: May 27, 2021 In: Duct Cleaning Comments: 0

Are you among the ones who have wondered what the duct looks like from inside? This means that you are likely among the ones who have taken the ducts lightly. You have not got the duct cleaned in what like 6 or 7 years? Not just you, many underestimate the duct cleaning. Just do one thing, try and peek into the duct today and you will know what is the mistake you are making. Residential duct cleaning Melbourne should be part of all the other cleaning regimes of the house, which you will figure out by reading further.

Either heating or cooling duct both are equally important to clean. The professional does provide a choice of getting the heating duct cleaning Melbourne or cooling duct cleaning done. Whatever your preference may be but both need cleaning regularly.

Duct Cleaning Melbourne

Why do people seem to underestimate air duct cleaning?

It is solely because people seem to believe some things that are just baseless and assumptions. They are myths that need to be busted as the hygiene and health of the people are at stake.

Keep on reading further to explore these myths and facts.



●     They have nothing to do with the health. ●     Yes, they can affect the health of the person, especially respiratory health.
●     They do not cause allergies. ●     They do cause allergies because of the presence of dust, pollen, rodents, mould, debris and more in the duct.
●     They do not need cleaning. ●     Why not? It is a way for air passage. Air has presence of dust, pollen, and more that can accumulate in the duct.
●     It is not one of the reasons for the odour in the house. ●     When left uncleaned for more than expected time these ducts produce an odour that can spread in the whole house.
●     The air ducts can only be cleaned with harsh chemicals. ●     No, the duct cleaning does not require chemicals. It is wise not to use chemicals as they can put your health at risk.
●     You do not need professional help with duct cleaning ●     It is time to put aside the idea of DIY cleaning as far as ducts are concerned. You do need professional help in duct cleaning
●     Professional duct cleaning services are pretty expensive. ●     No, they are not. They keep the heating and cooling systems efficient, reducing the cost of bills!
●     Duct cleaning is needed only when AC has dehumidifier ●     What about the droplets in the drip tray. This moisture can also make its way to the duct. So Ac with dehumidifier or not you need duct cleaning.

All these myths sound familiar right? The facts may be bitter but they are for your good. Need not worry as you can take the professional help of duct cleaning services or heating duct cleaning Melbourne professionals at your convenience.

There are a lot of service providers out there. Do not forget to reviews, ask for recommendations, visiting their website, contacting and getting a quotation, making a budget and most important of all finalizing the one that fits your requirement the best.